How do Danish NGOs and media communicate about Africa and what does it take to move beyond stereotypical narratives of Africa? In this Africa seminar we have invited a number of panelists to discuss images and representations of Africa. Program: Welcome, Karen Lauterbach, CAS Representing Africa: Amanda Hammar, CAS Niels Kastfelt, CAS NGOs, mediatisation and Africa: Ben Jones, University of East Anglia Morten Nielsen, Head of Secretariat, Afrika Kontakt Pernille Bærendtsen, Journalist and MA student at CAS Africa in Danish media: Søren Bendixen, Africa correspondent, Danish Broadcasting Cooperation Stig Jensen, CAS Questions and debate Moderator: Hanne Selnæs The seminar is open to all and free. Registration is necessary on Deadline for registration is 22 March at 12 noon. Please share and invite your friends.